
Cornerstone Church
116 South Church Street
Ione CA 95640

Sunday Worship


9:00 A.M.

Sunday Worship




Welcome to Cornerstone Church! We know it isn’t easy visiting a new church for the first time. You might wonder, “Do I belong here? Am I really welcome? Will the people be unfriendly, or too friendly? Will it be easy to leave if I don’t enjoy it? Will they ask me for money? Will my kids enjoy it? How should I dress? Am I welcome if I don’t believe everything they do?”

We want your visit to be a good experience. We are intentional about making people feel welcome, whatever their background, including those who have never been to church before. If one of us were visiting a new church for the first time, we would like to know what to expect, so here is a brief overview.

When you come here on a Sunday morning, you’ll notice that everyone is dressed comfortably, in anything from shorts and flip flops to khakis and a button up shirt. We are composed of people from all over Amador County, and all ages from infants to the “very mature”. Between the two services, there will be coffee, fruit, and doughnuts.

We begin our time together on Sundays with a period of worship with our music mostly coming from the last decade although we still value and include many of the timeless songs that are much older than that. We use acoustic and electric guitars, as well as keyboard and drums. After worship time is over the offering bags will come around, but we do not expect you, as a visitor, to feel compelled to give. This is for the members of the church. After the offering, one of our teachers will speak for about 40 minutes, doing our best to make the messages interesting, challenging and relevant to daily life. We usually preach verse by verse right out of the Bible, and if we do our job right, you’ll hear solid Christian theology in intelligent, understandable, relevant terms. The service will end after about an hour and fifteen minutes. On the first Sunday of every month we have a communion service during our time together.

If you have more questions, please feel free to email or call me. If you have children or youth, and want to find out what to expect for them, click the “Ministries” link in the menu bar or call or email one of our staff.

Thanks for stopping by. We really look forward to meeting you.

Pastor Bryan