Sunday Morning Youth
Grades 6-12 meet Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:00 for Bible study and fellowship.
Youth are invited to join the congregation for worship during the 10:30 A.M. Sunday worship service.

Cornerstone Youth Group
At Cornerstone we believe that the junior high and high school years are especially crucial in the development of a person’s faith, so we are committed to having a strong and healthy student ministry that partners with parents.
Junior high and high school kids meet on Sunday from 6pm to 8pm for an energetic night of fun, friendship and faith. We play hard, laugh loud, and reflect on God’s Word. We kick off the night with student profiles, a few questions to help get to know each other, and have some laughs. After that, we play games ranging from dodge ball to 4-way capture the flag. When the games are done, we have worship. Then our Youth Leaders deliver the message. When the message wraps up, it’s off to small groups to further examine what we have discussed.
Throughout the year we also have lots of events and camps designed to integrate new students, help them grow in their faith, and give them opportunities to serve God and others, and much more.
If you have any questions about student ministries here at Cornerstone feel free to call Pastor Bryan at 209.274.4131 or email him at