
While we encourage giving during church as a participation of worship, we understand that online is sometimes a necessity. Here we provide a safe and secure option. Your gift will be recorded just the same as if it were given in church for tax purposes.

As followers of Jesus, we joyfully contribute our God-given time, God-given talents, and God-given treasures for the Kingdom! Our life’s purpose is to glorify God in all things and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ with our neighbors and the world. Cornerstone Church is an active body of believers. As such, we here at Cornerstone pour our time, talents, and treasures into the work God has called us to do. This includes money to support that work. We count it a joy to give ourselves for Christ, and finances are no exception!

Although we prefer our church attendees give during the service as we congregate to worship our God, we have provided a way for you to give online. We realize that online giving is the more common practice and have provided a safe and secure way to do that. Everything given through this method is logged into our existing accounting system, and all online giving will be added to your charitable giving statement sent out at the end of the year. You will also receive an immediate receipt via email. We ask that you give from what you have and, therefore, we urge caution with the use of credit cards. Biblical giving is giving generously from what God has entrusted to us, and that is what we encourage. If you would like to give online, please click the “Give” button below and follow the simple steps to complete the process. We greatly appreciate all of you generous and faithful givers of the Cornerstone Church!